Thursday, January 19, 2012

An Update

An update. I saw my perinatologist today for the first time since my surgery a week ago. He performed my surgery, and I was to get a check up on the status of my stitches and the length of my cervix. Everything looked good, in his opinion. The fact that I still am lightly cramping as a result of my irritable uterus is indicating that bed rest is still the best thing for me. In fact, he predicted that I might be on bed rest until 32 weeks. Ultimately my regular OB will decide my course of treatment, but I'm not sure his recommendation will be much more extravagant.

32 weeks. That's 12 weeks from now. 3 months. April 15. A long, long time. I've heard anything from 22 weeks to 24 weeks to 28 weeks to 32 weeks, and while I know everything is dependent on what happens as I recover, it's very difficult to not know how long I'll be on bed rest.  Hearing 32 weeks took a lot of wind out of my sails, and to be honest, once I got home from the doctor, I went straight back to bed. But what choice did I have?

Please excuse the moping, I'll be regaining my pluck after a nap.

1 comment:

  1. Oh man...that's rough! I'm sorry hon! Keep up your spirits...your a damn fine tough lady! I might be up in Anch this spring to help my cousin move - if I am I'll be sure to get in touch.
